Your Account

You will need to create an account prior to posting to this calendar.

If you already have an account please use the option "I already have an account and would like to log in". If you do not have an account please use the option "I do not have an account and would like to create one".

We reserve the right to post, refuse to post, or remove any event from our calendar at any time, without notice.

To be approved, submitted events should meet these requirements:

  • Open to the public
  • Takes place within the Municipality of Sioux Lookout
  • Government organized for funded
  • Organized by a government-funded board or agency
  • Organized by a group affiliated with the Municipality of Sioux Lookout
  • Funded in full or in part by the Municipality of Sioux Lookout
  • Sponsored by the Municipality of Sioux Lookout
  • Organized by a registered charitable organization
  • Organized by a local service club, not-for-profit, or arts or sports group
  • Organized by a local business association in support of a community event or festival
  • Located in a facility owned or leased by the Municipality of Sioux Lookout
  • Promotes cultural exchanges and educational opportunities

Submitted events will be rejected if they are deemed to, at the Municipality’s sole discretion:

  • Be commercial in nature to advertise, promote, or sell products and/or services
  • Promote, exhibit, illustrate, or manifest hate or obscene/pornographic/sexual content
  • Not comply with municipal, provincial, or federal legislation
  • Be a private event
  • Be political in nature after the writ has been dropped for an election period, with the exception of all-candidates meetings


Posting an event does not imply endorsement by the owner of this calendar. The owner does not accept responsibility for any damages caused by posting of incorrect or inappropriate information. The owner reserves the right to edit a message or category for grammar and clarity and the right to deny submissions or remove submissions at any time and at its sole discretion. The owner reserves the right to revise the calendar criteria at any time.

You will need to provide your account credentials below in order to login.